Frequently asked questions
General about xylitol
How much xylitol should one eat per day?
The recommended daily intake of xylitol is 5 grams or more, divided into at least three applications. The appropriate amount is two pieces of xylitol chewing gum or pastilles 3-5 times a day after each meal or snack.
5 grams of xylitol in gum and pastilles:
5–6 pieces of Jenkki Professional all-xylitol gum* or 10 pieces of Jenkki Original xylitol gum** or 8 pieces of Läkerol Dents xylitol pastilles*** or 10 pieces of Jenkki Herra Hakkarainen all-xylitol pastilles *** The use of xylitol pastilles can be practiced just like any other food. Designed for the smallest mouths, Jenkki Herra Hakkarainen all-xylitol pastilles can be given to a child from about one year of age, even as small crumbs at a time and the daily amount is gradually increased.
Xylitol chewing gums and pastilles are intended as part of a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. In the prevention of tooth decay, the most important thing is the whole.
If you want to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning and evening, use a toothpick and floss, and eat xylitol chewing gum or pastilles after each meal. Also, pay attention to healthy food, choose fresh water when you are thirsty and have regular dental check-ups.
* Wholly xylitol-sweetened chewing gum has been shown to reduce dental plaque. A large amount of plaque is a risk factor for the development of caries in children. The effect is achieved by chewing two all-xylitol gums for 5–20 minutes three times a day after eating or drinking.
** Sugar-free chewing gum helps neutralize an acid attack.
***Using pastilles that contain xylitol and maltitol helps to maintain tooth remineralisation. Remineralisation refers to the hardening of enamel.
Are there any side effects of xylitol?
The recommended amount of xylitol, i.e. 5 grams of xylitol per day, divided into several applications usually does not cause any problems even for sensitive stomachs. The tolerance to xylitol is individual and may vary even in the same person on different days. Xylitol, like other polyols, is absorbed more slowly and incompletely in the digestive tract than sugar. Highly sensitive individuals may experience symptoms even in relatively small amounts, while others may tolerate large amounts of xylitol. Xylitol taken in large amounts may have a laxative effect. This effect can be easily avoided by taking low doses of xylitol frequently enough and by gradually adjusting to xylitol.
Why should dogs not be given xylitol?
Ksylitolituotteet tulee ehdottomasti säilyttää koirien ulottumattomissa! Koirien elimistössä ksylitoli saa aikaan hypoglykeemisen reaktion eli voimakkaan insuliinierityksen. Jo viisi ksylitolipurukumityynyä voi johtaa kymmenkiloisen koiran vakavaan sairastumiseen. Jos epäilet koirasi syöneen ksylitolia, ota välittömästi yhteyttä eläinlääkäriin.
How much xylitol is there in one piece of gum and in one pastille?
The recommended daily amount of 5 grams or more of xylitol is easily achieved by using high-quality xylitol chewing gum or pastilles 3–5 times a day. All of Cloetta’s xylitol products are of high quality and meet the Finnish Dental Association’s xylitol recommendation criteria.
If only xylitol has been used to sweeten the product, it may be called an all-xylitol product. However, the amount of xylitol contained in the all-xylitol product does not automatically exceed the amount contained in the so-called mixed product. The amount of xylitol in one pastille or piece of chewing gum is not yet determined by the percentage of xylitol alone, because the weight of the product also plays a role. Therefore, a good and high-quality xylitol product can also contain, for example, sorbitol, maltitol or mannitol as a so-called parallel sweetener.
Are xylitol products suitable for pregnant women?
Yes, they are. Xylitol pastilles and chewing gum are a delicious way to supplement oral self-care during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Both parents should start taking xylitol on a regular basis during a pregnancy so that it can become a habit. The same goes for grandparents and others close to the child. Sufficient amounts of xylitol can be obtained, for example, by chewing two pieces of chewing gum 3–5 times a day.
It is advisable to neutralise the acid attack with high-quality xylitol products, which are identified by the red symbol of the Finnish Dental Association. Xylitol chewing gums and pastilles are intended as part of a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. In the prevention of tooth decay, the most important thing is the whole. Sugar-free chewing gum helps to neutralize an acid attack.
Wholly xylitol-sweetened chewing gum has been shown to reduce dental plaque. A large amount of plaque is a risk factor for the development of caries in children. The effect is achieved by chewing two all-xylitol gums for 5–20 minutes three times a day after eating or drinking.
Why are additives used in sweets?
Additives are used in confectionery because they have the desired effect on the properties of the products, such as the texture, taste, smell, appearance or shelf life. The additives contained in the product can be checked in the list of ingredients of the product. Ingredients and additives are listed in the list of ingredients in order of weight. In addition to the name of the group (e.g. colour) indicating the intended use, additives are indicated by the name of the additive (paprika extract) or by a numerical code, the E-number (E160c). The letter ‘E’ in front of the number indicates that the additive in question has been assessed by the European Union as safe for food use.
Xylitol (E967), used as a sweetener, has a positive effect on oral health. Arabic gum (E414), for example, is a key additive in the manufacture of pastilles; it can be up to half the weight of a pastille. Activated charcoal (E153) darkens the salty liquorice, malic acid (E269) brings out the fruit flavours, and beeswax (E901) and carnauba wax (E903) give the sweets a beautifully shiny surface.
The size of the sweets package limits the length of the list of ingredients. For this reason, only E-codes are used to designate additives in small packages such as pastille boxes and chewing gum pocket packages.
How long after the best before date are the sweets still edible?
The best before label indicates how long we guarantee that the quality of the product will remain first-class when properly stored. This is not an “expiration date.” An expiry date is mainly indicated for fresh food.
Where does Cloetta's gelatin in sweets come from?
The gelatin we use is of pig or beef origin. We do not specify the origin of the gelatin in the ingredient lists of the products, as the origin varies. You can find more information
about special diets etc. through this link (article in Finnish)..
Which Cloetta products are suitable for a gluten free diet? What about lactose intolerant people?
Why was the bag of sweets I bought completely missing my favorite sweets?
We take every effort to ensure that there is the right amount of different sweets in the mix. However, the packing machines operate according to weight and do not count the number of pieces. Therefore, the amount of sweets may vary in individual packages. The above figure shows how sweets are applied on a conveyor belt in layers. After that, they run on a conveyor belt and mix before packing. In some confectionery bags, the mixing ratio should vary, which means that we do not aim to have the same number of qualities.
Why are my favorite sweets no longer available?
We carefully monitor the consumer’s wishes and needs. We bring new sweets onto the market three times a year. Unfortunately, less popular products then have to make room for novelties.
Why were there empty wrappers in my liquorice box?
We machine-wrap and pack the liquorice at high speed. For this reason, from time to time, empty wrappings may appear. Normally, empty wrappers are removed with compressed air, but sometimes an empty wrapper, due to its lightness, may end up back in the range of products. We pack according to the weight of the box and, most obviously, the empty wrapping has been extra in the box.
The product I have purchased is incorrect, what should I do?
If you came across an incorrect product, please let us know by filling in the feedback form through this link.
Chewing gum
I think the pieces of gum used to be whiter. Has the Jenkki chewing gum changed?
We have updated the recipes for chewing gum, which is why the color of the pieces of chewing gum is slightly different from the usual. If you’ve noticed a slight change in the color of the pieces of gum, here’s why. The taste and other qualities of the gum remain unchanged. Titanium dioxide (E171), which was used as a dye to give the pieces of gum a bright colour, has been removed from the chewing gum Read more about titanium dioxide (article in Finnish)..
Mitä on purukumin perusmassa?
Mitä Cloettan purukumien perusmassa sisältää?
I think the pieces of gum used to be whiter. Has the Jenkki chewing gum changed?
We have updated the recipes for chewing gum, which is why the color of the pieces of chewing gum is slightly different from the usual. If you’ve noticed a slight change in the color of the pieces of gum, here’s why. The taste and other qualities of the gum remain unchanged. Titanium dioxide (E171), which was used as a dye to give the pieces of gum a bright colour, has been removed from the chewing gum Read more about titanium dioxide (article in Finnish)..
How many pastilles should you eat to get enough xylitol to protect your teeth?
The recommended daily intake of xylitol is 5 grams or more, divided into at least three applications. The appropriate amount is two pieces of xylitol chewing gum or pastilles 3–5 times a day after each meal or snack.
5 grammaa ksylitolia pastilleina:
8 x Xylitol pastilles from Jenkki, Läkerol Dents or Mynthon* or
10 pieces of Jenkki Herra Hakkarainen full-xylitol pastilles *
The use of xylitol pastilles can be practiced just like any other food. Designed for the smallest mouths, Jenkki Herra Hakkarainen all-xylitol pastilles can be given to a child from about one year of age, even as small crumbs at a time and the daily amount is gradually increased. The amount should initially be small, for example, 1 pastille a day for a week. The daily amount is increased weekly by one pastille until the recommended amount is reached. This is how a small child’s stomach gradually gets used to xylitol.
The Jenkki and Läkerol Dents xylitol pastilles are chewy and soft and suitable for the whole family.
*Using pastilles that contain xylitol and maltitol helps to maintain tooth remineralisation. Remineralisation refers to the hardening of enamel. Xylitol chewing gums and pastilles are intended as part of a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
How should Cloetta’s packaging be disposed of?
Almost all the packaging we use is recyclable. The consumer has an important role to play in the proper disposal of packaging. For example, cardboard confectionery packaging can be put into cardboard collection Read more about our packaging and its recyclability via this link (article in Finnish).
Where to buy
Can I order products in bulk directly from Cloetta?
You can order our most popular xylitol products from (Cloetta’s Xylitol Shop).
We only deliver products to Finland. Ordering xylitol products is also possible through our telephone service. The telephone number is 0800 153 231. Wholesale packages of other products, such as confectionery bags or chocolate products, can be purchased from wholesalers.
Which store has my favourite sweets?
You will most likely find your favourite sweets in the selections of the largest stores (Citymarket, Prisma). If the product you want cannot be found in your standard store’s selections, you should make a wish directly to the store.
I live abroad, where can I buy your products?
Suomikauppa serves friends of Cloetta products residing outside Finland at
Sample requests
How do I get free samples or other promotional materials?
We distribute xylitol product samples to support health counselling work for health professionals. For example, dental clinics and maternity and child health clinics can easily order samples by using an online form at
Unfortunately, we are unable to sponsor sports clubs, schools or individuals by donating free samples. Our marketing materials are also intended for professional use only.
Can you donate products or money to our event?
We receive almost daily sponsorship and cooperation surveys as well as product donation requests, so, unfortunately, we cannot participate in all of them. We do not donate products to individuals. We also don’t make donations in cash. You can find more information about our donations through this link.
Does Cloetta have a factory outlet where you can buy products at a lower price?
There is no Cloetta outlet in Finland. Xylitol products can be purchased from the online store at
Do you still have questions?
If you didn't find an answer to your question or you need more information, you can always contact our consumer service. We will answer you as soon as possible.